I always remember someone telling me that if you ever had to drink drive for whatever reason, that if you chewed a 2p coin the whole way and did end up getting pulled by the police then it would ensure that you passed the breathalyser test.
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Obviously I’ve never tried that out because drink driving is the absolute worst, but it’s always stayed with me. Sadly, it nows turns out that it’s absolute trash as the police have just issued the following statement after some guy shoved a bunch of coins in his mouth as he was about to be breathalysed.
Here’s what they had to say:
From last night: The driver of this Golf went through a red light in front of our patrol & was stopped on Spa Rd, Bolton. Before being breathalysed, he shoved a load of coins in his mouth. Guess what, didn’t work & he blew 65. Don’t believe all you read on the internet guys. pic.twitter.com/ghYExbIfRA
— GMP Traffic (@gmptraffic) August 28, 2022
FYI – A 65 is more than double than the legal drink driving limit in England. The driver also drove through a red light right in front of a police car so it’s clear he wasn’t thinking straight.
Anyway, I know maybe we should be suspicious of the cops on this one – they’re obviously going to tell us that this technique doesn’t work if it actually does, right? – but maybe we should just believe them on this one. Although I suppose it’s not actually harming anyone if you try it, but the most important point here is not to drink drive in the first place. Absolutely moronic behaviour.
For more of the same, check out this married cop shut down a social influencer who was thirsty for his attention. Pretty good video tbh.