A creative (albeit kinda heartless) student named Kirsten Titus decided to come up with a totally new way to dump her boyfriend – via a Spotify playlist.
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Rather than the heart-wrenching “it’s not you, it’s me” chat, Kirsten broke the news to Wyatt Hall by making him a special playlist with song titles that spelled out that she just wanted to be friends. Kirsten said:
We went on a lot of creative dates.
I thought if I was going to end things with him I wanted to do it in a creative way.
She ordered the playlist songs so they’d read out the message:
Do you still want to kiss me because I am kinda lovin someone else but we can still be friends.
This all might seem a bit harsh, but apparently Kirsten and Wyatt, who both go to Brigham Young University, Utah, had only been on a few dates. So it sounds like it was all amicable. Not so sure it would go down as well if you tried to end a two year relationship in the same fashion.
Although it’s definitely better than accidentally sending a ‘how to break up text’ to the girlfriend you’re trying to break up with. Whoops.