Ozzy Osbourne Is Moving Back To The UK Because America Is Too Ridiculous And Violent For Him



You know a country is f***ed up when even the Prince of Darkness can’t stand it there, and sure enough Ozzy Osbourne has finally had his fill of the US and is set to return back home to Blighty.

Ozzy told The Observer that after more than 20 years in Los Angeles, the gun crime situation in America has prompted him and Sharon to return to the UK:

“Everything’s fucking ridiculous there. I’m fed up with people getting killed every day. God knows how many people have been shot in school shootings. And there was that mass shooting in Vegas at that concert… It’s f*cking crazy.

And I don’t want to die in America. I don’t want to be buried in fucking Forest Lawn.”

Can’t argue with that logic really, even if it’s coming from someone who isn’t exactly revered for their mental faculties. Even the most patriotic Americans have to look at those comments, hold their hands up and admit that America has some serious work to do in order to tackle their gun crime/school shooting situation. The rest of the developed world seems to have figured out that gun laws can help, but the US is a baby country still, they’ll work it out eventually.

Even if you did want to argue against what Ozzy is saying and bring up all the things America has excelled in and accomplished, your argument is immediately defeated by the fact that Ozzy f’n Osbourne says America is too crazy for him. Ozzy Osbourne – the dark, satanic king of metal who once grabbed a live bat on stage and bit its head off. The maddest part is that America will somehow be crazier without Ozzy Osbourne than they were with him living there! Just think about that for a second…

To watch Ozzy’s mind get utterly blow when he hears himself sampled in a Lil Jon track, click HERE.



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