Opening Your Bottle of Wine Manually is So 2011



It may look like something H.G Wells could have conjured but it will not send you back and forward through time unfortunately. It will however quite happily open your bottle of vino and pour it for you…winos rejoice. The contraption is inspired by the drawings of cartoonist and illustrator Heath Robinson who is known for his work containing eccentric machines, it also reminds me of that part in Edward Scissor hands with the baking machine.

The corkscrew is made up of 300 pieces of scrap metal, two cannon balls, a clock spring and also a steam engine. All that just to open a bottle of wine your probably thinking, personally i have been quite happily using my £2 corkscrew from Ikea for years. Creator Mr Higgs from Cornwall has sold the piece to a six-star hotel for £100,000 and has been commissioned for 25 more of the machines. He definitely be opting for something finer than the 3 for £10 blossom hill for a while.

Higgs described the creative process as “finding treasures and using them to make different things”.

It has that ‘oldy worldy’ feel but if you ask me the baking machine beats it hands down.

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