Old Man Goes Ballistic & Snaps A Kid’s Fishing Pole Because He Was Fishing In A Community Pond



Imagine getting so wound up over a couple of kids playing in the great outdoors, to the point where you get in their faces, clench your fists, threaten to beat them up, and destroy their property, all because they’re fishing in the community pond?

This footage out of Tennessee is currently going viral:

What an absolute lunatic. OK, fishing in the community pond is technically illegal, but what does this guy care? Who are these kids bothering? Go beat up your own kids if you really want to hurt some children, and leave these lads alone to fish to their hearts’ content!

I just can’t wrap my brain around how someone could get so angry over something so minor and inconsequential? At least these boys are outside on a sunny day and not glued to their phones or video games on the couch at home, which I guess is where this nut job would prefer they be.

Well anyway, here’s hoping this man is made to pay up for the $200 fishing rod he broke and is made to watch this video back and realise how unreasonable he was being. Could even have an assault charge on his hands, which would be fairly embarrassing. Not saying he should go to prison over it, but a little anger management course might not be a bad idea…

To watch a golf course maniac completely lose the plot, rip his shirt off, and start flexing in front of everyone after being accused of stealing a golf ball, click HERE. Perfectly normal behaviour.



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