The Officer Who Arrested Justin Timberlake Last Night Was So Young He Had No Idea Who He Was



Want to feel old? The police officer who arrested Justin Timberlake in the Hamptons last night was so young he had NO IDEA who Justin Timberlake was.

Timberlake was busted for driving drunk in the early hours of Tuesday morning after running a stop sign and swerving out of his lane — saying under his breath to the officer: “This is going to ruin the tour.” The cop – who had his bodycam on – replied: “What tour?”

An NYPD insider told the NY Post: “He didn’t recognise him or his name.”

Sources said Timberlake appeared glassy-eyed and smelled of alcohol when pulled over in his grey 2025 BMW. His friends showed up at the scene and tried to convince the officers to let him off, but the 43-year-old N’SYNC legend was cuffed and hauled off by cops. He faces up to a year in prison if convicted of driving under the influence, although let’s be honest, he’s not going to get any jail time, especially given he has no prior criminal record. In all likelihood, he’s looking at a small fine and 90-day suspension of his license.

So yes, it seems as though we’re officially at that age where our own pop icons, the biggest music stars of our childhoods, are so old that the younger generation has no clue who they are. Although even if this cop was some kind of 16-year-old police prodigy, it’s still shocking that he would have no idea who Justin Timberlake is. He still makes music and even played the 2018 SuperBowl halftime show ffs – that wasn’t that long ago, was it?

Sag Harbor Police Department Justin Timberlake

Well anyway, might be a good idea for Justin Timberlake to book an Uber or have one of his buddies drive him home after drinks next time. You’d think he’s been in the game long enough to not c0ck up this badly, especially in the middle of a north American tour. Although can you imagine if he was speeding back to his hotel, drunk as a skunk, windows down with a blunt in his hand while blasting SexyBack? You’d almost have to respect it. But as it is you can’t be putting other road users and pedestrians in danger like that, and so let’s hope JT learns his lesson for next time. Who said Britney was the crazy one, eh?

For the time Britney mocked Justin Timberlake and his ‘blaccent’ in an excerpt from her memoir, click HERE.



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