Nike have totally smashed it with this project.
This video shows you what happens when you put someone thinking outside of the box in charge of a budget and resources such as Nike’s.
Not wanting to come up with a shit ad campaign and look as bad as Hi-Tec, Nike put some money behind being creative and turned a London swimming pool into a big fresh smooth skate/BMX park. The project was called ‘The Pool’ and had subtle Nike ticks dotted around the place rather than in your face advertising boards. A BMX comp was held in The Pool and the winning team won 12,000 euros.
Check out this footage of the pool being built and some BMX dudes ripping it. What’s going on at 4:54? It’s a truly un-human maneuver.
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(If you like skate bowls, check out this video of a French dude on a moped ripping it around one.)