A month or so ago you might have been forgiven for thinking that Coronavirus was easing out of our lives, what with everyone hanging out at pubs and Eating Out To Help Out, but fast forward to now and it looks like we’re going to be in lockdown 2.0 for the next six months and now we’re hearing that a new mutation of the virus might be even more contagious.
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This information was confirmed in a study coming out of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in a paper that was published on Wednesday. Here’s what virologist David Morens had to say about it after studying second wave infections in Houston, Texas:
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This new strain of the virus accounted for 99.9% of infections in Houston, Texas.
Those infected with the D614G mutation have tested for higher loads, suggesting that it’s more contagious.
This could be a response by the virus to defeat masks and other social distancing measures.
Wearing masks, washing our hands, all those things are barriers to transmissibility, or contagion, but as the virus becomes more contagious, it statistically is better at getting around those barriers,
Well that’s a bunch of cheery news isn’t it? Get ready to stay indoors for the rest of your life I suppose.
For more of the same, check out what Zlatan had to say about contracting Coronavirus. He’s not messing around.