The National Lottery Twitter Campaign Went Very, Very Wrong



The National Lottery made a rookie mistake this week by running a campaign that saw pictures of British athletes holding boards saying their name.

Images VIA

The reason I say it’s a rookie mistake is because any opportunity for the public to Photoshop their own message or picture onto something and you’re just asking for trouble – just look at what happened to Gary Lineker when he asked people to send in their selfies.

Anyway, as said, the campaign saw athletes holding billboards with their names on them, and twitter users were asked to retweet a #Represent post celebrating the nation’s athletes, with those supporting it rewarded with a thank you tweet showing a star holding a sign with their name on it.

However, predictably people took it as a chance to post offensive messages in place of their names, instead posting statements about various topics including Madeleine McCann and Jimmy Savile. Here are just some of the examples from last night’s hijack:

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Well done internet. The National Lottery had set up an automated system to load the names onto the cards, meaning it was unable to filter out the offensive entries. They were quick to regain control of the account and send out an apology but as you can see, the damage has already been done.

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I just don’t know when companies will learn that the British public can’t be trusted with anything. Just look at what happened with Boaty McBoatface.



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