Morrisons Customers Angry That Beeps Have Been Silenced To Pay Respect To The Queen



The death of Queen Elizabeth II seems to have permeated into all facets of our daily lives as every company out there attempts to showcase an appropriate reaction in order to pay respect to her with the most bizarre one possibly coming courtesy of Morrisons.

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The supermarket chain has reportedly silenced all the beeps on their self checkout, leading to chaos in the majority of their stores as customers are unable to tell whether or not their items have been scanned. Here’s a Reddit thread about it that describes the experience of one such customer:

Geez that shop assistant sounds a bit much doesn’t she? Not really sure how turning down the beeps is a mark of respect, but apparently M & S are doing this as well so maybe it’s something that’s going on out there across the board. An ASDA employee also said they they had to remove boxes of celebrations from the foyer and move some of the bunting as it could be seen as being disrespectful. Seems a bit much doesn’t it, but I suppose cancel culture has everyone fearful these days.

Interestingly, following the popularity of the thread Morrisons were forced to issue this strongly worded statement about the beeps:

Our checkout beeps are not off.

They have just been turned down as our music and tannoy announcements have been switched off in stores.

Moody. Anyway, it’s obviously sad that the Queen has died sure, but some of these ‘marks of respect’ are going a bit too far surely? Think about it a bit yeah?

For more of the same, check out this Queen shaped cloud that emerged over Telford moments after her death was announced. Coincidence?



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