Miami Road Rage Incident Ends With Hilarious, Flying Karate Chop That Takes Off Car’s Wing Mirror



A ridiculous video of some sales bro (who probably hasn’t hit his quota in months) is going viral after he pulled off a stupendous flying karate chop on a woman’s car during a road rage incident, resulting in her wing mirror being completely destroyed.

Watch below:

Unbelievable form to be fair. That must have felt absolutely incredible! Looking like Guile from Street Fighter the way he launched himself up into the air and came crashing down with an almighty karate chop. Just look at this hang time:


Fortunately the wing mirror broke off immediately on impact, otherwise he would have looked pretty silly. What exactly is this guy so angry about, anyway? Either it’s his first time on coke or he’s p1ssed off because the colour of his convertible top looks terrible with his car’s paint choice. Not to mention his number plate reads something like ‘DE4LS’ – jeez, what a prat!

I can see that the lady threw something at him first but that’s hardly a reason to karate chop her wing mirror, is it? Then again, as far as road rage violence goes, maybe a karate chop to the wing mirror is the acceptable upper limit of what you should be able to get away with. No guns or knives or baseball bats, just a good old fashioned jumping karate chop like you’re in the bonus stage of Street Fighter. Never forget:

To watch an East London bus driver beat up a man in his car after he spat at him during a road rage incident, click HERE.



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