Matt Hancock Admits That Tier System Isn’t Working And Third Lockdown Looks Likely



In news that probably won’t surprise anyone given what scientists were saying in the run up to the Christmas holidays and the government’s subsequent rushed decision to cancel Christmas with the threat of the new mutant strain of the virus looming large, Matt Hancock has today come out and said that the Tier system isn’t working and there’s probably going to be a third lockdown.

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Hancock was speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Health Programme when he said the following:

We are prepared to take the sort of action [lockdown] if that is what’s necessary.

There are Tier three areas of the country where the virus is clearly spreading and increasing, and in fact some of those areas are where it is increasing the fastest.

We have shown that we are prepared to move incredibly quickly, within 24 hours if we think that is necessary, and we keep these things under review all the time.

We look at the data on a daily basis and we can see at the moment that there are significant rises, especially, as I say, in the areas that are still in Tier three.

Well, that’s reassuring isn’t it? There are rumours swirling around that Boris is going to announce a third national lockdown today that will last until April and to be honest, with a sixth day in a row of the highest cases recorded in the UK it seems like this is the most logical course of action to try and sort this out – especially considering we haven’t even seen the inevitable surge in cases allowing for Christmas yet.

Sorry to break it you but it really does seem like a foregone conclusion at this point. Wouldn’t be surprised if this was announced later today, maybe even before you’ve read this. Happy New Year!

For more of the same, check out this thread of all the way that Matt Hancock was weird during 2020. It’s pretty long.



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