We’ve probably all borne witness to a few drunken fights in our time and a few of us have even participated in them, but I doubt that you’ll have experienced any like the one featured in the video below.
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The video is taken from Analogue nightclub in Bristol on Saturday night, where a brutal fight broke out between about 12 lads. One anonymous bystander said the following about the brawl:
There were at least four bodies on the floor.
Me and a friend were attending to a guy who had serious head injuries. I have never witnessed such brutality in my life.
There were people trying to fight the police and take the paramedics from the people who were lying still on the ground.
There were so many people and fights going on it was hard to pinpoint perpetrators.
Within seconds it seemed like all hell had broken loose. It was shocking.
There was a big scream and the next thing I knew there were chairs and barriers flying everywhere.
There was one guy lying on the floor unconscious, another with blood streaming from his nose, it was a terrifying scene.
There’s not usually too much trouble in Bristol so it was a really shocking incident and people were really shaken up.
Sounds really nasty and it looks even worse – some of those chair and barrier shots are not fucking about. There’s no info yet on whether anyone who was injured is now OK, and there’s no info on any arrests yet either. Let’s hope it’s a while before we see something like this happen again because it really is uncalled for violence. Why get angry on a night out when you can just have fun instead? Madness.
For more brawls, check out this Ukrainian football hooligan fight. Don’t mess.