Man With ‘Stainless Steel Fetish’ Confronted By Angry Parents As He Humps Slide In Playground



We would never kink-shame anyone here on Sick Chirpse, but when your kink involves molesting stainless steel slides at children’s playgrounds then there’s probably some cause for concern, and it appears this group of parents thought so too.

Here’s what happened when a man with a stainless steel fetish was confronted at a playground in Birmingham this week:

Very worrying indeed. Look at the state of the stainless steel slide afterwards:

Jeez, I don’t want even want to think about what he does to scaffolding. At least if he was indulging in his stainless steel fetish at a building site you may just think he was a big weirdo, rather than some creep who rubs up against slides that children have been playing on. The wildest part is how he explains it like it’s the most casual and harmless thing in the world!

Fair play to those parents for interrogating him about it and let’s hope they contacted the police about it so they can investigate this man further.

To watch a middle-aged creep get confronted by a group of girls who caught him taking photos of them at a swimming pool, click HERE. Very awkward.



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