Man Picks Fight With Guy 3 Times His Size At Gym, Ends Up Wishing He Hadn’t (VIDEO)



Perfectly done by the big man. Left no doubt as to who the alpha was in that situation while also keeping himself out of jail. What I don’t understand is why the other guy didn’t just back off? Why the hell would you want to square up against a man who can quite obviously obliterate you in a matter of seconds? I don’t care what kind of martial arts you think you know, there’s just no way that’s gonna help you when you’re outweighed and outsized by that much. The guy literally got sat on! Just be grateful big man exercised his impulse control and didn’t do any more than that.

The rest of those guys running away was the funniest part:

They tried to warn him. Tried to stop him. But there’s literally nothing any of them could have done at that point. Let’s hope little man learned his lesson.

To watch a dude knocked out his girlfriend’s brother at a house party after he called him the N-word to his face, click HERE. Another lesson learned.



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