Man Behind Viral Dress That ‘Broke The Internet’ Jailed For Beating Up His Wife



Remember way back in 2015 when a big argument broke out online over whether that stupid dress was white and gold or blue and black?

It was easily the most viral meme of the year, and the Scottish couple behind it ended up becoming ‘famous’ in their own right, even appearing on the Ellen show, where they were handed $10,000 and a trip to Grenada. Happy days!

Keir Johnston and wife Grace appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2015 (Picture: TheEllenShow/YouTube)

It seems things weren’t so happy behind the scenes though, with Keir Johnston, 38, jailed this week after assaulting his wife Grace in March 2022.

Petrol station attendant Keir reportedly pinned Grace to the ground at their home on the Isle of Colonsay, in the Inner Hebrides, and strangled her. He’s now been jailed for four-and-a-half years, and also given a 10-year harassment order restricting his contact with Grace.

What’s crazy is that there’s no permanent police presence on the island where they live in Scotland, and so Grace was in a situation where she felt trapped and was left fearing for her life living with Keir.

Sentencing Keir Johnston this week, Judge Lady Drummond said:

‘In her victim impact statement, she went over the emotional and psychological on her from your behaviour.

‘She suffers in various aspects of her life – emotionally, psychologically and financially.

‘The impact of your actions will last forever. She cannot understand your lack of remorse or empathy towards her.

‘I have taken account of all the information and considered the submission that the court can deal with this with a community disposal.

‘I am afraid the only appropriate sentence for a crime such as this is imprisonment.’

In the days before the assault, Grace had gone to the mainland in search of work (against Keir’s wishes). In the hours prior to him assaulting her, Keir had been drinking at a pub quiz. He then sent her a bunch of ‘strange texts’ before announcing that he was ‘leaving’ her when he returned home. At that point, Grace followed him outside the property to stop him leaving, which is where he pinned her to the ground with his knees over her arms and started strangling her.

Thankfully, a neighbour clocked what was happening and stepped in to break it up. Keir then went back inside the house, before stepping back out and threatening to ‘finish her off.’ The court also heard there were ‘previous episodes of marital violence’, so it sounds like this was quite the rocky relationship indeed. Definitely not what you’d expect from the couple behind a super whimsical viral meme, is it?

Well anyway, could be Keir wearing the dress in prison now if he doesn’t watch himself. Good luck with that, pal.

For a look at Gucci’s tartan dress for men which is intended to ‘disrupt toxic stereotypes’ of gender, click HERE. Any takers?



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