M. Night Shyamalan Just Announced A Sequel To Two Of His Best Films



OK first things first, if you haven’t seen M. Night Shyamalan’s latest film ‘Split’ and don’t want any spoilers, then don’t read this. Probably shouldn’t read it if you haven’t seen ‘Unbreakable’ for that matter either. Real article starts below.

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‘Split’ was a surprising indie hit earlier this year and if you managed to catch it then you’ll know that it was a stealth sequel to one of M. Night Shyamalan’s earlier movies ‘Unbreakable’. In the last scene, Bruce Willis is pictured at a diner listening to the radio describe The Horde’s crimes and noting how they’re pretty similar to Samuel L. Jackson’s Mr Glass from ‘Unbreakable’. As the movie ends, he mutters ‘Mr Glass’. Oooooh.

If you were wondering just what Shyamalan was planning to do with that – if anything – then he’s now revealed that he’s going to make a sequel to both movies entitled ‘Glass’, uniting both the casts for the end of the trilogy. Here’s what he recently said on Twitter:

Whoa. Pretty big news right there eh?

Given the fact that M. Night Shyamalan is VERY hit or miss, I can’t exactly say that this is going to be absolutely amazing, but given the fact that ‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Split’ are probably his two best movies, then I’m at least slightly excited and interested in seeing this and how it all ‘collides’ as he says. Just a shame it’s gonna be almost two years until it happens. Still, definitely enthused that it’s even happening at all.

For more M. Night Shyamalan, did you also hear that he’s working on bringing back ‘Tales From The Crpyt’ too? Busy guy.



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