Logan Paul Stole The Show At WWE Summerslam & No One Can Believe How Good He Is At Wrestling



WWE fans are a notoriously cynical bunch, but even they can’t believe how good Logan Paul was at Summerslam over the weekend as he beat The Miz and managed to have the match of the night in the process.

Judging by this Tweet and the highlights, Paul really enjoyed himself too:

How good was that? A moonsault off the side of the ring? A frog splash through the ring announcer’s table? Finishing The Miz with his own finishing move? I haven’t watched wrestling in a long time but Logan Paul looks like a total natural. At least to the untrained eye, he looks fantastic! Might actually be the best celebrity-turned-wrestler in wrestling history, and the fact he’s already got WWE fans accepting him as a pro wrestler says it all about his ability really.

Logan Paul has signed a multi-year deal with WWE, so it looks like he’ll be sticking around. Can you imagine if they end up doing Brock Lesnar Vs Logan Paul at Wrestlemania? Or better yet – The Rock Vs Logan Paul? I might actually have to stay up and tune in for those.

Only downside is he’ll have less time to create those awesome table top GameBoys he was making a while back. Quality.



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