Lizzo Reacts To South Park ‘End Of Obesity’ Episode That Mocks Her Weight



Lizzo has reacted to the latest South Park special titled ‘The End of Obesity’, in which Eric Cartman finds out that his insurance does not cover the cost of an expensive weight loss drug he needs, and so his doctor suggests he try a new weight loss medication called ‘Lizzo’ (a reference to diabetes medicine Ozempic).

Here’s Lizzo reacting during a live-watch of the episode:


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I suppose there’s not much you can do when South Park makes fun of you other than to say “ha, good one. ” You will regret doing anything else, as Meghan Markle found out a while back. After all, being immortalised on South Park really just means you’ve made it in this world, so fair play to Lizzo for appearing to take it on the chin.

The episode does also make a valid point about rich people being able to pay to be skinny whereas poor people are encouraged to accept “body positivity’ and all the things Lizzo promotes and stands for, which also being fed the ideal body image by mainstream advertising. In any case it’s a good move on Lizzo’s part to not react badly to the episode, seeing as she’s trying to make up some of the ground she lost after being ‘cancelled’ a few months back.

In fact it seems like that’s all been forgotten about already? Perhaps (allegedly) forcing your employees to eat bananas out of the vaginas of sex workers isn’t as cancellable an offence as originally thought.



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