Live Steamer Tries To Troll Gym Bro By Taking His Hat, Gets Slapped Into Next Week



This one actually went viral over the weekend/my day off but it’s so good I thought I may as well blog it.

Some streamer thought it would be hilarious to snatch gym bro Bradley Martyn’s hat on camera, and for whatever reason didn’t count on being slapped for his troubles:

Oh dear. You could tell straight away that Bradley Martyn did not find that funny at all. What’s amazing is how absolutely blown away and caught off-guard that little streamer twerp was. He was genuinely astonished that he got slapped in the face for disrespecting a man 3x larger than him on camera. If only more streamers/YouTubers realise this sort of reaction was on the cards for them, eh?

What’s also great is how nice and respectful the streamer was after getting slapped – look at him cleaning up after himself and politely saying goodbye to everyone at the end of his workout:

Another degree earned from the school of life. You have to love it.

For the ‘internet karate kid’ who showed up to an MMA session and disrespected the coach, before immediately regretting it, click HERE.



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