VIDEOS: Live Performance Super Fails



Black Metal School Project

I’m going to ask you not to watch this following video all the way through. For health reasons. I watched it most of the way through and my toes curled so far up that I kicked a couple of my own teeth out and got toe jam in my beard. It looks like some kind of black metal school project. For those of you that aren’t aware of black metal, I suggest you keep it that way. It’s rubbish. And I don’t care who likes Cradle of Filth, I’m not interested. As soon as you start pretending you worship Satan and doing your makeup like a corpse you’ve lost me.

I digress: these dicks are some ‘budding’ band I guess, but they’re playing metal in a school class room with just an acoustic guitar, a vocalist and a poor, lost little ginger boy head banging for his life on the side lines. Genuinely horrific to watch. Good luck:

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☛ Read Next – Ultimate Worst Live Bands Of All Time EVER



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