Kevin Spacey Yells ‘Photobomb’ Whilst Jogging Then Photobombs Some Random Woman’s Photo



Kevin Spacey

Everyone loves Kevin Spacey right? He’s just one of those actors that everyone seems to universally love and who hasn’t really ever made a bad movie. Except maybe K – Pax. He even managed to do an ad campaign for American Airlines that he didn’t get completely and utterly ripped for. He’s starred in some incredible blockbuster movies – The Usual Suspects, American Beauty, Se7en and L.A. Confidential anyone? – and some excellent more indie efforts – Margin Call, Swimming With Sharks, Glengarry Glen Ross – and more recently has even decided to star in his own TV Show – the excellent House Of Cards – to his resume. He’s also an art director at the Old Vic Theatre Company in London somehow too. What a guy.

It’s probably all this that makes him fairly universally loved by the media and the public and it’s probably why he thought it was OK to just randomly photobomb some random woman’s picture as he jogged through Boston yesterday. I don’t know what they’re standing in front of but I guess it’s some famous Boston landmark, although I never saw it when I visited Boston so it can’t be that awesome.

According to a friend of the woman, he just jogged up when he saw the photo was being taken yelled ‘photobomb,’ posed in the picture and then just ran off like nothing had ever happened. Wow. I thought it was only Bill Murray that did stuff like that but I guess he’s got a rival in Kevin Spacey now huh?

As a few people have said it probably isn’t a good idea to be shouting anything with the word ‘bomb’ in it in Boston right now but guess what? It’s Kevin Spacey so he can get away with it and pretty much do whatever he wants. Check out his photobomb below (if you wanna see a bigger version of the photo just click on the top one, there’s a close up one of Kevin Spacey and the jogger below it though):

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