Former Yeezy Staff Say Kanye West Showed Them Explicit Videos Of Kim Kardashian To ‘Assert Dominance’



Absolutely wild article on Kanye West over at Rolling Stone today, which features quotes from ex Yeezy team members who I guess feel comfortable enough to expose their former boss now that the tide has turned against him.

Several high-ranking former employees for Yeezy sent the open letter to the new CEO of Adidas, outlining “the toxic and chaotic environment that Kanye West created” and “a very sick pattern of predacious behaviour towards women.”

Among the claims is that Kanye would show his staff X-rated pictures and videos of Kim Kardashian, and generally use fear, porn and manipulation to assert dominance over them. Which isn’t even that shocking to hear, given we’ve seen actual footage of Ye playing porn for Adidas executives previously.

Elsewhere in the letter, Kanye is accused of belittling staffers he’d publicly supported just weeks, if not moments, earlier — “playing mind games,” one former staffer called it. After one disagreement, Kanye made a young female designer sit on the floor for a meeting that lasted for hours, saying to her, “you don’t deserve to sit at the table.”

Another female staffer alleged he would frequently pick on her and walk around the office referring to her as a ‘fat sl*t’. There’s a million other things in the article so check it out for yourself if you want, but it basically confirms that Kanye isn’t really all that great a person, especially to work for. Now obviously we have to keep in mind that there’s a concerted media effort to drag Kanye’s name through the mud of late, for obvious reasons, but at the same time it’s not like anything you’ve just read is all that surprising, is it? Classic Kanye behaviour really.

Meanwhile over at Balenciaga, things are even more disturbing.



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