Justin Bieber Throws Up Onstage Infront Of Thousands Of Screaming Fans



Justin Bieber Throwing Up

BREAKING NEWS: Justin Bieber is pregnant. After a few months of hiding his pregnancy, Justin Bieber can no longer hide his symptoms. Video footage of the internet superstar has emerged of Bieber throwing his guts on on stage at the first show of his ‘Believe tour’ in Arizona. The suspected father of his unborn child? Usher, of course.

No really, Justin Bieber isn’t pregnant, but he has been caught on camera spewing his guts up halfway through one of his live shows. Apparently Bieber had to rush of stage several times throughout the show, but always returned and apologised to the screaming crowd for being ill. Some folk are blaming it on Bieber’s massive alcohol problem, but somehow I don’t think that’s why he was throwing up. Others are saying he drank a load of milk before his show, and his poor little tummy doesn’t like it when he drinks milk. Either way it’s a great shot of the kid everyone loves to hate having a bad time on stage. Check it:

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoNmdAQkH8A’]



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