Jon Voight Is Thoroughly ‘Disappointed’ In Daughter Angelina Jolie’s Views On The Israeli Conflict



Angelina Jolie has been ashamed and disappointed of her dad’s political views for years now, so I guess it’s only fair that Hollywood legend Jon Voight returns the sentiment after Jolie spoke out in support of Palestine.

Unfortunately, Voight is one of these people who thinks pro-Palestine = pro-Hamas, and so despite his daughter specifically condemning the Hamas terror attack on October 7, he still put out a 3-minute video ripping his daughter for her stance on the conflict:

“I’m very disappointed that my daughter, like so many, has no understanding of God’s honor, God’s truths. This is about destroying the history of God’s land — the Holy Land — the land of the Jews. This is justice for God’s children of the Holy Land. The Israeli army must protect thy soil, thy people. This is war. It’s not going to be what the left thinks — it can’t be civil now. Israel was attacked by inhuman terror on innocent babies, mothers, fathers, grandparents. These animals want to wipe out Jews, Christians.”

Always a shame when family members fall out over political beliefs, isn’t it? Jolie had posted on Instagram in the aftermath of the October 7 that she wanted Hamas to stop attacking Israel, but also scolded Israel for their own militant response.

Again, it’s important to note that having sympathy for Palestinians doesn’t equate to sympathy for Hamas, much in the same way that anti-Zionism doesn’t equate to antisemitism. I wonder if Angelina Jolie has ever tried to explain this to her dad? Well, let’s be real – he wouldn’t care whatsoever.

For the time Angelina Jolie described sex with Denzel Washington as ‘the best ever’, click HERE. Wonder what Jon made of that?



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