An Audience Member Called The Police On Joe Lycett After He Made A Joke About Donkey Dicks



I’ll spare you the obvious rant about snowflakes and safe spaces and how easily offended people are in 2022, because it’s just too easy to do that at this point. But we really do have to share this story about comedian Joe Lycett and an audience member who rang 999 at one of his recent gigs – because one of his jokes was ‘too offensive’.

Lycett this week revealed he’d been questioned by the police after they received a complaint about a joke that involved the phrase ‘giant donkey dick’:

I’ve looked all over Twitter to find what the joke actually was, but for some reason no one’s mentioned it and Joe himself is too smart to give it away for free, especially with all this amazing publicity he’s received. He can probably sell out the rest of his tour just by promising people he’ll tell the notorious donkey dick joke that’s so offensive the police had to be called in. Even if you don’t find Joe Lycett particularly funny like me, you’re gagging to know about the donkey dick joke (pun not intended but intended).

There’s people who’ve never heard of Joe Lycett before who will be hearing about him for the first time and now have to check him out because he told a joke that’s so offensive the police had to take a break from investigating stabbings and shootings in order to investigate him for it. You really couldn’t ask for better publicity, which is why the cynic in me wonders whether Joe Lycett or one of his team orchestrated the whole thing. If so, fair play. It’s obviously worked a treat.

For the incoming Dave Chappelle & Chris Rock joint standup special, click HERE. You know that’s gonna be good.



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