Joe Lycett Accused Of Hypocrisy As It Emerges He Performed In Qatar Back In 2015



Joe Lycett has been pretty vocal about his disgust with David Beckham being paid something like £150 million over the next ten years to promote the country of Qatar, even eventually persuading him to make a statement about it on his show last week after pretending to shred £10,000 to call him out about it.

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That’s all very respectable given the country’s human rights records and views on homosexuality, but now The Sun have accused Lycett of hypocrisy after it emerged that he actually performed gigs in Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Dubai back in 2015. Lycett however was quick to respond to these accusations, saying the following:

I guess that’s sort of fair enough but Hoe probably should have at least mentioned it or drawn attention to it at some point during his campaigning against Beckham because it’s a very obvious stick that people can beat him with him. He’s sort of owned it in his response by saying that it’s public knowledge and he’s hardly played it down, I just feel he probably should have been a bit more transparent about it because as you can see below, a bunch of people aren’t happy about it.

Yeah, I gotta say that Lycett performing a small gig in Qatar is very different to Beckham being paid millions of pounds to promote the country’s culture and public image, but I still think it comes off a bit iffy that Lycett was happy to go over there and take their money back in the day. Make your own mind up as to whether or not that makes him a major hypocrite though. Merry Christmas!

For more of the same, check out when an audience member called the police on Joe Lycett after he made a joke about donkey dicks. Never far away from controversy that guy.



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