JK Rowling Accused Of Bullying As She Compares Transgender Football Manager To ‘Straight, White, Middle-Aged Bloke’



Meet Lucy Clark, the world’s first openly transgender referee, who has now made history by becoming the world’s first transgender manager in the top 5 divisions of English women’s football, having taken over at the helm of Sutton United.

Naturally, JK Rowling had something to say about it on X after the news was Tweeted by the official PRIDE UK account:

Classic JK Rowling. Cue the outrage (although, there was also no shortage of people agreeing with her sentiments), followed by a double-down in the comments under her Tweet:

She then proceeded to TRIPLE-DOWN when the Daily Mail ran an article about how social media users were accusing her of “cruelty” over her comments:

And so, it seems there’s no way JK Rowling is ever going to change her beliefs about transgenderism and gender identity, which is fair enough because we’re all entitled to our opinions.

In any case, it seems Lucy Clark has quite the job to do at Sutton United, who are currently sitting 9th in the London & South East Regional Women’s League, with a -47 (!) goal difference:

That’s pretty shocking to be fair. Maybe a brand new transgender manager is exactly what the club needs to turn its fortunes around. A lot of people will think that JK Rowling has taken an unnecessary dig with her comments, but I guess she has taken plenty of digs herself in this ongoing saga and will continue to do so in order to speak freely. Either way, come on Sutton!

For the time Adele was accused of transphobia during her BRIT Award acceptance speech, click HERE.



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