Jihadi Bride Given Suicide Belt As Wedding Gift By Her Terrorist ‘Decapitator’ Husband



I’ll say one thing for jihadists – if marriage isn’t working out for them, they’ve got a quick way out of it as they can just go make their wives kill themselves in a suicide bomb attack, much like this guy nicknamed The Decapitator.

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That’s the story that one of two Spanish women – named as Asia Ahmed Mohamed, 26, and Fatima Akil Laghmich, 21 – who were recently arrested by Turkish authorities are spinning. Both were married to Moroccan foreign terrorist fighters for over two years, but it’s unclear where their current allegiances lie.

A Spanish representative from the Ministry Of The Interior said the following:

Suicide Belt

The detainees remained in Daesh (another name for ISIS) territory for more than two years and were married to Moroccan jihadists who have participated in mass killings.

In March 2014, A.A.L. left Spain to go to Syria, where she married the Moroccan fighter Mohamed Hamdouch, also known as Kokito de Castillejos, “the Decapitator of Castillejos” (a town in Malaga).

During the ceremony, the terrorist gave his wife a belt of explosives as a dowry.

In a context of extreme brutality, living voluntarily under the conditions of the terrorist group Daesh and the level of indoctrination in religious extremism makes these people a potential threat to national security.

In addition, their links with very active members of the organisation make them key elements to be used as “facilitators” for the terrorist organisation in Spain.

Both moved to Syria to be with their terrorist husbands, but at the end of 2015 there is evidence of the possible death of the two Moroccan jihadists.

A.A.L. married another Moroccan jihadist and became pregnant.

Both women were under surveillance for two years before they were arrested.

Sounds like they’re both pretty deep in with the ISIS crowd doesn’t it then? Not sure why there’s any doubt over that.

But back to the issue at hand and this suicide belt – I’m not really sure why The Decapitator would give his wife a suicide belt if he had no intention that she’d use it, but I suppose it’s the thought that counts.

Either way, being an ISIS wife sounds absolutely bait, no thanks. If you need any more convincing, check this out. No goddamn way.



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