Jeremy Vine Says He Isn’t Done Suing Joey Barton & Will Demand More Than £75,000 + Legal Fees



Looks like Jeremy Vine is taking no prisoners when it comes to Joey Barton calling him a ‘bike nonce’ and ‘pedo defender’ on X all those months ago.

Having already triumphed against Barton in court and forced him to pay up £75,000 + his legal fees, Jeremy Vine has now put out a statement claiming this is not the ‘final outcome’ of this case and he won’t be satisfied until Joey Barton is made to pay for EVERY defamatory Tweet he made about him, not just the initial bike nonce ones. Here’s the statement Vine put out on X earlier:


The news of Joey Barton’s apology and commitment to pay damages and costs is not the final outcome of this case.

After five defamatory tweets, my lawyer offered Barton a chance to settle: pay £75k, plus my costs, and make an apology.

He ignored that offer and posted more disgusting tweets about me, even publishing my home address to his followers.

When I then took my case to the High Court, a judge ruled that TEN of the tweets I complained of were defamatory. Having lost, Barton has returned to the offer we made after tweet 5.

There has therefore been a parallel action on tweets 6-10 and Barton will pay further damages for these. A number of other steps — including statements made in Court by way of apology — are still to be taken, and Barton has agreed to pay my legal costs of all of the claims.

Jeremy Vine

So it sounds like Vine had initially offered Joey Barton the chance to settle out of court for £75k + legal fees when this whole drama began, but Barton turned that down and instead continued Tweeting about Vine and even doxxed him to his followers.

So he now really wants to stick the boot in and make Joey Barton realise what a big mistake he made by messing with the most annoying cyclist in the country. Chances are he’ll probably succeed and Barton will have to cough up a load of extra dough too – maybe another £75,000?

Meanwhile, after Tweeting out his court-ordered apology and announcing that he’s ‘done with social media’, Joey Barton is already back on X sharing videos of himself playing golf which he’s captioned ‘who’s really winning?’.

Surprised we haven’t seen any tweets about ‘corrupt courts’ or ‘wokeness’ winning or anything like that, but I guess maybe he’ll wait until the case is over and he knows how much compensation he has to pay in total. Poor Joey…

Don’t forget – Joey Barton is also being sued by Eni Aluko for comments he’s made about her on X too. What a disaster.



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