Jeremy Kyle Shares Statement After Inquest Confirms Verdict Into Death Of Steve Dymond



Jeremy Kyle has had an absolute touch after the inquest into the death of Steve Dymond found that there was ‘no causal link’ between the appearance of Dymond on the Jeremy Kyle Show and his death – even though the 63-year-old took his life seven days after being humiliated on the programme.

The coroner ruled out Dymond’s treatment on the ITV programme as a contributory factor to his death, stating: ‘There is insufficient evidence for me to be satisfied that this was the direct cause of Steve’s death.’

After the result of the inquest was announced, lawyers for Jeremy Kyle released this statement on his behalf:

‘His Majesty’s Coroner has today clearly and unequivocally found that Jeremy Kyle did not in any way cause or contribute to the tragic suicide of Steve Dymond. He is now exonerated of that ill-informed accusation and his name has finally been cleared.

‘Out of respect for the family of Mr Dymond and the judicial process, Jeremy has always maintained that it would be inappropriate to discuss details whilst the legal inquest was ongoing and he has remained steadfastly silent in the face of lies, false accusations and unfair criticism over the last 5 1/2 years.

Steve Dymond appearing on the Jeremy Kyle Show with partner, Jane Callaghan

‘This has taken a huge toll on him and his family and he would like to thank everyone who has truly supported him through these tough times.’

Poor Jeremy.

Coroner Jason Pegg concluded at the inquest that Dymond had died by ‘suicide’, stating:

‘The deceased’s decision to take his own life was made in the context of his mental distress that was probably exacerbated by his belief that a significant relationship had now irretrievably broken down following his participation on a television programme where it had been suggested that the deceased had lied to his partner.’

Pegg added that Dymond had left notes for his family, stating:

‘There is nothing in those notes where Mr Dymond is critical of his treatment by the show.’

Steve Dymond who died after appearing on The Jeremy Kyle Show

Pegg dismissed The Jeremy Kyle Show as a ‘direct cause of Steve Dymond’s distress’, stating:

‘These accounts are not supported with any independent expert evidence to evaluate the impact of his treatment on the show. It would be unsafe to infer these links in the absence of a clear and reliable causal connection. Steve Dymond’s participation in the show is one of a number of factors, and whilst possible that the manner experience added to his distress it is not probable.’

Indeed, while no one can categorically say that the treatment of Steve Dymond on the Jeremy Kyle Show was the direct cause of his death, you would think it was almost certainly a contributing factor. After all, while the coroner is correct that Dymond never mentioned the Jeremy Kyle Show in his suicide note, his final text message to his ex-girlfriend (who he was accused of cheating on in front of a live audience) absolute did. In the WhatsApp message, Dymond wrote:

 ‘This will be the last time I say it, I was never, never ever unfaithful to you, in all the time we were together.

‘I hope The Jeremy Kyle Show is so happy now, as to what they have done to me.

‘I did lie about my past, but not about me being a cheat, I never ever did cheat on you.

‘They are responsible for what happens now, I hope this makes good ratings for them, I bet they keep this quiet.

‘Never did I cheat on you, never, never. My final words. I did try to explain to you, but you would not listen.’

In fairness to Jeremy Kyle, it’s hard to say whether his treatment of Steve Dymond on the show was any different to how he treated anyone else in previous episodes before the show was cancelled. I mean, he was just a grade A c*** every time, wasn’t he?

Duty of care standards in TV have increased massively since, it’s just a shame they weren’t up to standard at the time Dymond made his regrettable appearance.

You can watch the unaired footage of Dymond getting his lie detector results on the show + a grilling by Jeremy Kyle below:

For the legendary Jeremy Kyle guest now suggesting that Jeremy should go work in a supermarket, click HERE. Not bad advice.



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