Jay Slater’s Pal Lucy Mae Quits Search & Returns To UK As She’s ‘Done All She Can’



Having successfully raised £50,000+ with the GoFundMe and following tireless efforts to track the missing teenager down, Jay Slater’s pal Lucy Mae has flown back to the UK, where she will presumably be honoured with a damehood, or at the very least, be offered a spot on Celebrity Big Brother.

Lucy Mae Law has played a central figure since Slater went missing on June 17, mainly due to the fact she was the last person he spoke to on the phone, informing her that he was lost in the middle of nowhere and had 1% battery left on his phone. There’ve also been a bunch of conspiracy theories around Lucy Mae; including that she’s a drug mule, or had something to do with his disappearance, but these are of course unfounded.

Lucy Mae Law has been centre of attention in recent weeks

Earlier this week, Lucy Mae shared selfie of herself with Jay Slater along with a crying emoji and a blue love heart on Instagram. Soon after though, the image was deleted:

Lucy shared this picture on her Insta last week

Having ‘done all she can’ over the last few weeks to assist with the search, Lucy Mae has returned home to Burnley in Lancashire, alongside two other of Slater’s pals – Brad Hargreaves and Brandon Hodgson. They were all together at the Papagayo nightclub the night Jay went missing; the same night an Eastern European man had his Rolex stolen at the club, apparently by Jay Slater himself.

Lucy Mae has deactivated her Facebook account after receiving non-stop abuse from internet trolls who accuse her of having something to hide. Even still, they’ve managed to track down her old Facebook profile and are leaving a bunch of comments on there instead. In a status from 2022 asking if anyone is selling a ticket for Leeds Festival, one Facebook user pretending to be Jay Slater wrote: “Please Lucy, find me. Just tell them the truth.” Which is pretty f*cked, up to be fair.

Jay's friend Lucy Law was the last person to speak to him

Friend Lucy Mae says his disappearance is "suspicious" ( Image: Facebook

She has now flown back to the UK

Even with Lucy Mae back in old Blighty, the search for Jay Slater in Tenerife continues with emergency workers, mountain rescue teams, fire crews, TikTokers (seriously), and the teenager’s friends and family all getting involved. Doesn’t seem like there’s much hope of finding the lad alive at this point, but as we all know, anything can happen. We’ll keep you posted.

For the convicted drug dealer who insists Jay Slater ‘came to my house alive, and left my house alive’ on the night he vanished, click HERE.



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