James Corden Seen Once Again Losing His Temper – This Time With British Airways Staff In Portugal



It’s no secret that James Corden is one of the biggest tw*ts/bullies on the celebrity circuit, with his behaviour really coming to light when he was banned from one of the top restaurants in NYC for abusing its staff a couple years back.

Well it looks like James Corden has managed to lose his rag at service professionals yet again – this time with British Airways staff in Portugal. According to witnesses, Corden was upset because he had been told to queue in a line that he wasn’t supposed to and quickly became frustrated:

James Corden is seen at the Lisbon, Portugal airport complaining to British Airways staff.

James Corden is seen at the Lisbon, Portugal airport complaining to British Airways staff.

James Corden is seen at the Lisbon, Portugal airport complaining to British Airways staff.

Poor form by the rest of the queue to take photos of the incident rather than video, but I guess maybe they were terrified that James Corden would notice and yell in their faces or something. I mean, look at his face here – the man is terrifying!
Now obviously a situation where you’re made to stand in the wrong queue at the airport can be very annoying, but you’d think James Corden would be PR-savvy enough by now to not have a go at service staff in public, especially given his track record with that sort of thing. Couldn’t one of his aides have a word instead?

Turns out there’s heaps of similar James Corden stories around the internet, mostly from regular folk who happened to run into him in person. Much of it comes from a disastrous Reddit AMA he did years ago in which users ended up swapping stories of how rude he’d been to them, but there’s also random anecdotes from elsewhere…


In fairness to Corden, he did admit in an interview with the New Yorker back in 2020 that fame had turned him into a nasty person, saying the following:

I started to behave like a brat that I just don’t think I am.

It’s so intoxicating, that first flush of fame.

And I think it’s even more intoxicating if you’re not bred for it.

My parents Margaret and Malcolm prayed for me, it got so bad – they would come in and say to James, ‘Don’t be a dickhead’.

Rob Brydon as well came up to me and said: ‘Look, this is a bit awkward to say, but I’m just hearing these things about you, and you’ve got to know that the way you behave has an effect on people’.

I started seeing a therapist and I told him that ‘I used to be a better person than this.’

Full marks for self awareness then, though he might want to try another therapist next time. Not to mention… he lied to us about Carpool Karaoke! It’s all a big sham! Unforgivable.



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