Jaden Smith Just Gave His Most Insane Interview Yet



Jaden Smith is one of the biggest weirdoes in the world and this is despite the fact that he’s still only 18. Surely he’s gotta to be trolling the entire world with some of the shit he comes out with?

Featured Image VIA 

In his latest interview with fashion magazine Numero, he’s turned it up a notch again by claiming he used to be a vampire:

During a period of my life, I was Gothic. I was only wearing black and I was hiding from the sun because I was a vampire.

I was a vampire, for real. I could not expose myself to the sun and I was only wearing black trench coats.

Now I’m not a vampire, I’m out of this phase. I open myself up to wear brighter things, to go out in daylight. I share much more mixed energy.

I hope to leave a mark on the world and leave it a better place when I die.


I want people to say ‘the world was like that when he arrived, and like that when he’s gone. He is not here, but thank you.’

I’m currently engaged in several odysseys in music, film, photography and other fields.

Some immerse themselves in painting, studying intensely or demonstrate an extreme concentration.

The adaptability of the human seems endless, until the day they die.

Image VIA 

Well, I thought when he stopped talking about vampires it might make more sense, but no, it just got weirder and weirder. Classic Jaden Smith really. I don’t really think he was actually a vampire though – I don’t think that can actually be cured can it? Probably just having a tough time with hormones going through puberty or something.

If this interview wasn’t enough to convince you how weird the dude is, then check out some of the other ridiculous things that he’s come out with. Grade A bellend really.



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