Jack-In-The-Box Employee Shoots At Customer Over Missing Curly Fries



They always say you should treat drive-thru workers with respect, but I never considered that one of the reasons why might be that they could pull out a gun and fill your car with bullets. Well, that’s what happened at this Houston branch of Jack-in-the-Box after the customer complained that his curly fries were missing, which somehow led to a full-on argument and then this:

Madness. No curly fries (or any type of fry for that matter) is worth that level of violence, surely? Although I guess two people can only throw so much curly fries at each other before one of them loses the plot completely and pulls for their pistol.

Even still, I’m gonna assume that this employee was immediately fired and will be spending some time in jail to think about what she did. Can’t be shooting customers at the drive-thru over a side order of curly fries, whether you’re having a bad day or not. If we all started shooting each other every time an order got messed up at the drive thru, every drive thru around the world would be a cemetery. It’s just not worth it.

For the teenager who pulled out a machine gun at McDonald’s when he discovered they had run out of ice cream, click HERE.



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