Tribes #3: It Sucks To Be A Pygmy



Whatever the reasons for the pygmies’ vertical shortcomings, studying their DNA has shown that their lineage is pretty ancient. Their genetic makeup is quite different from any other humans on earth. Unfortunately, through out-breeding, their genes are getting shuffled with the “normal” folk’s, so full blooded pygmy lines may well slowly die out.

Pygmy Tribe - Africa - European Explorer

The Aka tribe have a very distinct type of musical expression, very different from other groups in the regions they inhabit. It’s called polyphonic singing and consists of a bunch of people doing some pretty wild harmonising and it sounds completely rad if you ask me. Have a listen:

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Pretty cool hey? The singing is used at ceremonies and events, but also just whilst they’re chilling out or doing mundane tasks. Pygmies love a good old sing song.

☛ Read Next: Tribes #1: The Mysterious And Violent Warrior Tribe Of North Sentinel Island



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