YouTuber iShowSpeed Hospitalised In The Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling Race After Tumbling Uncontrollably Down Hill



It’s been a hell of a week for super obnoxious YouTuber iShowSpeed. First, he got bit in the face by a dog in South Korea, then he travelled all the way to Wembley in London and almost got beaten up by Manchester United fans during the FA Cup final, and now just a few days after that, he’s competing in the annual Gloucester cheese rolling race that involves a bunch of people and their cheeses tumbling at full speed down a steep hill.

Unfortunately for Speed, he ended up injuring his leg and had to go to the hospital after coming 4th in the race:

What a life this kid lives. Just flying around the world doing random side quests and getting paid millions for it. I’ve never really understood the point behind the Gloucestershire cheese rolling competition (not sure there even is a point?), but if it involves people like iShowSpeed chasing a piece of cheese down a hill and breaking their legs/faces in the process then you can bet we’ll be watching every time.

To watch iShowSpeed go nuts at a pair of OnlyFans girls for no reason during a livestream, click HERE. Is this boy OK in the head?



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