Inmate Filmed Having Sex With HMP Wandsworth Prison Guard Has Heavily Pregnant Girlfriend At Home



The most viral video on the internet this week has been a full-blown sex tape filmed in HMP Wandsworth in London; one of the most overcrowded prisons in England. It’s basically four minutes of prison guard Linda De Sousa getting shagged by an inmate in his cell, while another prisoner films the whole thing and says things like “do your thing bruv” as he smokes a joint and enjoys the show.

We’ve already had some intel of Linda De Sousa as she faces professional misconduct charges in court this week, but now we have some information on her co-star in the tape – 36-year-old Linton Weirich.

Weirich, 36, was jailed in April after raiding a property in Kensington, west London, in March 2022

Turns out Linton was jailed back in April over a £65,000 heist in which he stole a litany of handbags, jewellery and a laptop during a raid on a property in Kensington, west London.

He also has a girlfriend outside of jail who is said to be seven months pregnant, and was hospitalised over the weekend due to the stress of seeing the video of Linton banging a prison guard, and knowing it’s all over Twitter and that the whole country has watched it too.

A source close to Weirch’s partner told MailOnline:

‘This is the last thing she needs in her condition, it’s extremely upsetting.

‘This stupid video has affected her health, she was hospitalised at the weekend through stress. She fears it will bring on premature labour.’

Damn, that’s not good. Imagine letting down your pregnant girlfriend by being arrested and sent to jail while she’s months away from giving birth, and then letting her down again by going viral in a sex tape with a prison guard. What an absolute waster this guy is. At least Linda De Sousa was in an open relationship, although whether her boyfriend knew that involved banging convicted criminals at her day job as well as random blokes on the outside is another matter.

Linda De Sousa

And to think, all this drama could have been avoided if either Linton Weirich or Linda De Sousa had the good sense to carry out their tryst in private, rather than allow the whole thing to be filmed and inevitably wind up online. It’s 2024 ffs! Do not allow anything to be filmed if you don’t want it to end up on the internet – prison or no prison. You live and you learn.

Here’s hoping Linton’s girlfriend is able to sufficiently de-stress and a healthy baby is delivered in due course.

For the female prison guard who cut a hole in her pants to have sex with a prisoner in front of 11 inmates, click HERE. Seems they’re all at it.



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