Influencer Tasha Newcombe, 21, Defends Relationship With 16-Year-Old Boyfriend



Most people would agree that a 21-year-old man dating a 16-year-old girl would be completely inappropriate and borderline nonce-y, but what about if the sexes were reversed, as is the case with social media influencer Tasha Newcombe and her new relationship with 16-year-old schoolboy Marko Vituk?

Sure enough, Tasha, from Maidstone in Kent, has been getting absolutely rinsed on social media since making her relationship public, but she’s now put a video defending herself and basically telling the haters to deal with it:

Speaking in the five minute long video, Tasha says:

“The reason I’m making this video today is obviously to talk about my relationship. I am in a relationship with someone who’s five years younger than me and I know a lot of people are gonna have their opinions on that and quite rightly so, you’re allowed to have your opinions, that’s your free will.”

“I’ve seen a lot of comments and videos from bullies saying ‘you know what you’re doing is wrong; and ‘this is why you said you wouldn’t meet him.’”

“The reason I was so unsure about meeting my boyfriend or pursuing anything with him is because of the backlash I was going to face and that is quite frankly, only down to opinion. Nothing else, opinion, that is it. Nothing to do with what’s right or wrong, just opinion.”

“I was also unsure of meeting him because I’ve actually never dated someone younger than me in my life. I didn’t know what kind of challenges that was gonna bring forward for me but regardless, I’m in a relationship with him now. It’s my life, I’m going to live my life how I want to live my life. If I decide I want to be in a relationship with him, I can because it is legal. Whether you think it’s morally right or not, it is legal. Although my relationship is very new, I just have to say that this boy is genuinely the most mature, kind, loving person I’ve ever been in a relationship with.”

“Quite frankly, I don’t give a f*** about the 12-year-olds who are commenting towards me and my family and stuff like that, it’s the grown women directing hate towards my family.”

Tasha has also made the argument that her mum and dad have the same age gap (40 and 45), but obviously it isn’t the age gap that’s worrying; it’s the fact a 21-year-old is dating a pimply-faced 16-year-old who’s getting his GCSE results this summer.

Still, as Tasha says, their relationship is completely legal and so she’s free to carry on dating this boy and posting photos of him on her Instagram. For example, this one where he’s sat in the driver’s seat despite not being able to drive:


Classic school boy behaviour.

Anyway, at least Tasha Newcombe realises that dating a 16-year-old at her age is morally suspect, but I guess her love for this lad is so strong that she doesn’t care. Does that make it worse? I don’t know, but I suppose the only way Tasha can come out of this with a W is if she and young Marko are still together well into the future and end up getting married and settling down. Good luck with that.

To watch rapper White John get into a fight with a predator who was meeting a 14-year-old and end up losing, click HERE. Not a good look that.



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