WWE Legend Tammy Sytch AKA Sunny Declared ‘Danger To Society’ As She Faces 26 Years In Prison



If you were watching WWF/WWE in the mid- late 90s, you might remember Tammy Sytch AKA Sunny, who aided a lot of young wrestling fans through puberty before eventually quitting wrestling and doing some stuff in the adult film industry. She was the most Googled person in the world on AOL in 1997! Which is actually before Google existed, but you know what I mean.

Well anyway, it’s all been downhill from there, culminating in rock bottom on March 25 last year when Sytch rear-ended another vehicle at a red light and killed a 75-year-old man. She was 3 1/2 times over the legal alcohol limit.

50-year-old Sytch has plead guilty to a DUI causing death, and faces sentencing next month. She’s already been to jail multiple times (mostly for DUIs and not following probation orders), and is now looking at 26 years after causing the death of this old man. As per PWInsider, a memorandum filed last week called Sytch ‘a danger to society’:

‘Tamara Lynn Sytch is a danger to society as shown based on her past record and current offense. By continuously driving under the influence without a valid license, the Defendant has a demonstrated a wanton disregard for the law and a clear refusal to abide by the law. The State believes that the maximum sentence is the only way to protect the community from the Defendant’s repetitive and dangerous actions.’

Yikes – not good. Seems like they’re actually going to keep her locked up for 26 years (she’s been in jail since causing the accident in May last year). Which is probably a good idea if we don’t want her getting behind the wheel and killing anyone else. One thing’s clear – she was gonna keep driving drunk matter what. Never forget:

Meanwhile, ‘The Million Dollar Man’ is being sued for allegedly squandering millions of dollars in welfare. You couldn’t make it up.



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