It’s Wrestlemania 30 Tonight – Here’s What You Need To Know



The Shield Vs Kane & The New Age Outlaws


God this match is such a fucking waste. You’re taking three of the most talented, promising wrestlers in the company and sticking them with three ancient dudes who have no right to even be wrestling this year. So this will probably just be an average match where three awesome wrestlers try to do their best with what they’ve got.

Prediction: Shield

Daniel Bryan Vs HHH

Finally, after all these years, Daniel Bryan has a shot at…. possibly being in the main event and winning the belt.

Basically, if you didn’t know, Bryan (in real life) has always been popular with the fans, but because he’s small or whatever they haven’t put their faith in him as a main eventer despite how clearly and monstrously popular he is. Literally the most popular guy since the days of Stone Cold and The Rock. So it looks like they finally gave in and are giving him this match against HHH, which should be an quality one, but there are going to be riots if Bryan doesn’t win.

Prediction: Bryan

Randy Orton Vs Batista Vs Daniel Bryan or HHH

So like we were saying Daniel Bryan was never supposed to be a part of this match. When the WWE brought Batista back and let him win the Rumble they caused such a shitstorm that the company realised their Mania main event was completely fucked unless Bryan was involved. So common sense says he beats HHH earlier in the night and then wins the title in this match, but like they say, anything can happen. The best thing about Bryan being added to this match is obviously the fact that Orton/Batista would have been the most boring WM main event of all time.

Prediction: Bryan wins. Or HHH works his way into the match and wins, and pulls off the biggest troll move in pro wrestling history.

Other Stuff That Might Happen:

Stone Cold is supposed to be there, not wrestling, but he’ll be there. Might give Hogan a Stunner.

CM Punk might show up. Doubtful, but would be awesome. Imagine if he turns up at the end and ruins Daniel Bryan’s night? Fuck.

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