Woman’s Affair Exposed After Man Overhears Conversation And Posts It On Facebook



The dude in the photo above is Steve Wilcock from Blackpool – he was working on a building site close to a Shell petrol station in Chester this week when he overheard a woman telling a man she had lied to her partner about being at a meeting all day.

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The man and the woman then began discussing hotels…

22-year-old Steve felt bad for the man they were discussing – named by the woman as David – and so took to Facebook in hopes of finding a way to tell him.

Here’s the status Stevie put up:


In case you can’t read that:

David. If your Girlfriend/wife is mid 40’s, went to work this morning wearing a black skirt, black tights and a light blue shirt. She told you she was in a meeting all day with work. She isn’t, she’s currently stood in front of me at the Costa Coffee machine in Chester Shell garage, telling another man this whole story whist they’re laughing about it. Oh she also drives a black Ford Fiesta with the Reg **. Pack your stuff and get yourself gone Dave.

The post has been liked 12,000+ times and shared 5000+ times at time of writing, so it’s possible David will have seen it by now (or read about it even).

At first this seems like a good deed on Steve’s behalf but of course, we don’t know the full story. Maybe Dave is a bit of a bastard and this woman was just trying to get away from him. Maybe the two of them had a chance of working things out (fat chance now). Maybe they’ve got kids who will be mortified to hear their mum bunked off work to get banged in a hotel room and their dad getting cuckolded for all of Facebook to see.

At the end of the day though, if this lady isn’t happy with Dave – she should leave him. Not cheat on him. Guess it’s only a matter of time before they split up now anyway.

For the time a girlfriend destroyed her cheating boyfriend’s entire life in one Facebook status, click HERE.



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