This Woman Shows How Quickly You Can Get Arrested For ‘Protesting’ In Russia



There’s been some considerable discourse since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine about how not all Russian citizens currently agree with Putin’s motivations, but there’s also been some talk of how anyone speaking out against him over in Russia is shut down and arrested almost immediately.

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Just how quickly and how ridiculous the situation over there has become can be illustrated in the two videos below. In the first one, a Russian woman says that she’ll probably be arrested immediately if she holds up a sign with ‘two words’ written on it and she’s proved correct, whereas in the second one a woman holds up a blank sign and is arrested within a similar amount of time:

That really is nuts isn’t it? I suppose we shouldn’t really be surprised though with it already being reported that the state run TV channels are broadcasting fake news about the current status of the invasion and everything else going on over there.

That’s just what it’s like over there now and it isn’t going to get better any time soon really is it? At least not whilst Putin’s still in power and pursuing this ridiculous war and who knows when either of those things are gonna change? Grim.

For more of the same, check out Elon Musk challenging Putin to a fight. That sounds useful.



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