A Woman Found Out That Her Boyfriend Was Cheating On Her By The Reflection In His Sunglasses



It’s been a while since we’ve had a good story about someone discovering that their significant other was cheating on them and giving them their just desserts and given the current climate I think that this one couldn’t have come around at a more opportune time.

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The story comes courtesy of 24 year old Sydney Kinsch, who was just enjoying her day at home when she received a photograph of hey boyfriend via Snapchat of him driving around in his car with his sunglasses on. That’s a pretty cool look sure, but it’s not so good when Sydney can see the reflection of your sidechick in the shades. Especially when she’s wearing extremely short shorts and putting her feet out of the window like she owns the place. Daaaaaaamn.

Sydney decided to post the video up on TikTok, where 1.8 million people have now viewed it at the time of writing:

OK, I guess there’s the possibility that isn’t some other girl that he’s banging on the side, but Sydney later moved to clarify the situation by leaving the following comment:

I called him and asked if he realized he sent me a bit*h in his Snapchat and he had no idea.

So I sent it to him and he called me crazy and that it was our friend’s gf and [that] he’s allowed to have friends,’ only later I found out that he had been with five other women in that month alone.

Surprised the guy hadn’t been called out sooner if that was the case, but I suppose it’s fairly easy to lie about that shit when you’re in the middle of a pandemic and not really meant to be leaving your house. Needless to say, the comments and reactions weren’t too hot either, with pretty much everyone condemning this prick and rightfully so. At least he might have another couple of sidekicks to hang out with after all his relationships turn to shit.

For more of the same, check out when this guy got caught kissing at a football game and cheating on his girlfriend. Seems so long ago now hey?



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