Woman Cuts Off Boyfriend’s Penis After He Threatened To Leak Sex Tapes



A man who threatened to leak his girlfriend’s sex tapes was left leaking blood instead after she cut off his penis during an argument at a hotel in North Sumatra, Indonesia.

According to the NY Post, the couple had been in a relationship for seven months when they made an appointment to meet at the hotel. Once there, the man asked to have sex, but the woman refused, saying she wasn’t in the mood.

The woman has been arrested but has not been charged yet, police said.

When he was denied sex, he attempted to blackmail the woman by publishing their sex tapes all over the internet. From there, she decided he did not deserve the privilege of owning genitalia, and so waited until he was in the shower before joining him and chopping off his willy with a knife.

Warning – the crime scene is pretty graphic:

A receptionist at the hotel, said the woman approached him and asked for medical assistance for her bleeding boyfriend.

Evi Wahyuni Siregar, a receptionist at the hotel, said the woman approached him and asked for medical assistance as her boyfriend was bleeding. The 28-year-old man is now in intensive care, and the woman, also 28, has been arrested but not charged. Apparently police are waiting to interview the boyfriend – once he’s been treated for the whole chopped penis thing.

Obviously the last thing this guy expected when he tried to blackmail his girlfriend into sex was to have her follow him into the shower and cut his dxck off, but boy, he definitely messed with the wrong girl on this occasion. It’s hard to feel sorry for him given he’s a grown man threatening to leak sex tapes in exchange for sex with his own girlfriend. What an absolute loser. Worse still, a dxck-less loser.

Still, at least he’s still got the sex tapes to remember his penis by. For the woman who got the weirdes revenge ever on her fat-shaming ex-boyfriend, click HERE.



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