Woman Accidentally Snaps Husband’s Penis When She Jumps Off Him To Shop Online



Over in China, an unnamed woman from Chongqing in China’s southwestern Sichuan Province has accidentally snapped her husband’s penis after she dismounted from him too quickly so that she could shop online.

The incident happened on the Chinese holiday known as Singles Day, which is China’s biggest day for online shopping in the year with plenty of discounts. The woman had set the alarm on her phone to coincide with the beginning of the sales and so when she heard it, she immediately disengaged from the throes of passion with her husband in order to get online and order some shit. Unfortunately, she was so hasty with her dismount that she ended up snapping his dick.

Even though he was crying in pain, the pair checked for signs of damage to his cock but couldn’t find any that night. However, in the morning it was purple and swollen and looked completely rank. so they decided that he had to go and see a doctor. He determined that it was ruptured and the dude later had an operation.

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It’s thought that he wouldn’t face any permanent damage and should make a full recovery. Phew – probably still a lot of pain and a bit of a ballache in general though huh? Well not an actual ballache but you know what I mean.

If you want to know more about Singles Day – which is also called Double Eleven as it occurs on November 11th – then it’s not only China, but also the world’s biggest online shopping event. Apparently Alibaba earned $8billion in the first eight minutes of trading. It’s that big.

With that in mind you can possibly see why the woman was so desperate to get off her husband and start shopping for bargains. Women eh? Never satisfied – if you don’t believe us then maybe check out five reasons you’re under the thumb to see how bad things can actually get.



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