Over the next 12 months, the New Zealand tourism board is offering you the chance to head over there for free and party or do whatever. Their motto is stories before stuff and that old adage that the guy who dies with the best stories is the winner, and that’s how you can win a free trip to New Zealand. All you have to do is tell them what you would give up for a free trip to New Zealand, because you know, stories are better than stuff. I’m not really sure why the New Zealand tourist board needs to give away free trips to their country because clearly it’s a really awesome place and they even have the whole Lord of the Rings tour now as well, but I’m not complaining. If you still need convincing here’s a video of some cool festival in New Zealand. It looks pretty banging.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp_9zF_MrUI’]
I’ll make sure that this festival is included if I win the competition. I have never made it to New Zealand yet, but it’s definitely on my list of places to go. Ever since Lord of the Rings showed me that beautiful scenery….ha ha not really but more likely ever since my buddy Gordo (who is from New Zealand) told me it was the place to go. It looks great over there, as you can see from the video.
So yeah, all you need to do is tell the guys over at the New Zealand tourist board what you would give up to go on a free trip over there. Trouble is you have to send them a picture of it or make a video about it, which is a little harder than just sending an entry in but not that hard. The prize is so good it’s probably worth it. You can check out my entry below but I’ve seen a couple where people just talk to the camera – it’s not that hard and i made this in about ten minutes.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuOGcio0I60′]
There are two possible New Zealand experiences you can win with this first competition and they’re detailed below. It’s open to everyone around the world who is over 18 and the competition is open until November 31st 2011. All you have to do is head over to storiesbeatstuff.com and upload your video. Here are the two prizes you could win – they both sound super sick and it looks as if that festival IS included in the first one:
Experience One: ‘Summer Rhythm’/ A two-week long road-trip along the East Coast of New Zealand ending in Gisborne for Rhythm & Vines — 3 day music festival set in a vineyard that has featured some of the best artists in the world. The line-up this year is no exception including Calvin Harris, Pendulum, Example, Cut Copy and Grandmaster Flash. Gisborne is the first place in the world to see the sun rise every day. This year will be the first on the planet to welcome in 2012 in what The Guardian has called one of the best New Year celebrations in the world.
Experience Two: ‘Beaches and Boats’ /Set at the very top of New Zealand’s North Island, the Bay of Islands is New Zealand’s hottest summer destination. With 144 islands, it’s little surprise that beaches and boats are central to this amazing location. Spend two weeks exploring all that’s on offer. Swim with dolphins, dive the Poor Knights Islands (rated by Jacques Cousteau as one of the top ten dive sites in the world), slide down giant sand dunes, hit white sand beaches for some sunbathing, laze on a launch as you cruise though crystal clear waters and party till dawn. This is the place to spend your January.
These are only the first competitions offered by the New Zealand tourist board so make sure you ‘like’ their Facebook page to keep up to date. Also, for more information about New Zealand check out the New Zealand tourist board’s website. Maybe just plan a trip over there anyway?