Who Said White Kids Can’t Sing The Blues?



I love blues. I love filthy heart tugging passionate blues singers who sing about the troubles they’ve had in their lives. These troubles usually boil down to consuming too much liquor and not being able to choose between their long term nicey nice girlfriends and their filthy slutty bit on the side who they keep running back to.

To sing the blues you must have had to gone through years of torment, living on the breadline and smoke 40 Marlboro reds a day to enhance that croaky husky voice that now sits so well on the B flat chord you strum on your guitar. Well it turns out that this young white kid was born with all these bluesy traits of a true blues singer.

Here’s a video of a kid who’s not even old enough to watch ‘Walk The Line’ at the cinemas but can belt out a tune as good as Muddy Waters any day of the week.

Check it:

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[yframe url=’www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1pwnb0NpQw’]



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