VIDEO COLLECTION: When Eagles Attack!!!



What large animal kills the most animals in the world? Us dirty humans, of course. Would an eagle have a go at a human? Of course he fucking would, and he would think nothing of it and probably do the bird equivalent of a laugh after he’s sunk his talons into our childish flesh. The next vid is in Mongolia apparently and it seems like it’s some sort of falconry event so there’s loads of people hanging about (not much happens in the plains of Mongolia). And this massive bird just lays into a group of blokes, then a few seconds later in the film it has another go at some onlookers on the hillside. It’s filmed from a bit of a distance but it gives you a good reference for it’s size. At one point the bird has its wings almost fully extended and it’s clear that its span is taller than a man. DO NOT FUCK WITH THE EAGLES:

☛ Watch Next: How Do You Fool A Babboon?

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