Victims Of HMP Wandsworth Inmate Express Anger Over Viral Prison Guard Sex Tape



The viral prison guard sex tape filmed in London’s HMP Wandsworth is still kicking up heaps of controversy, with revelations this week that prison guard Linda De Sousa is a married swinger in an open relationship, and that her co-star Linton Weirich has a heavily pregnant girlfriend back home who has since been hospitalised over the stress of seeing the video online.

36-year-old Linton Weirich is no stranger to the prison system, having this time been jailed over a £65,000 heist in which he stole handbags, jewellery and a laptop during a break-in on a property in Kensington, west London.

However, a previous victim of Linton’s has now spoken out, after being targeted by the criminal in January, and was shocked to see the man who robbed her home enjoying a (heterosexual) sex life in prison:

‘I was aware of the video. I just didn’t know that was our burglar. The whole thing seems surreal. This is not what we thought it meant to get hard time in prison.’

Linton broke into that victim’s home while she was having building works done, stealing some drills before being arrested. Officers caught him because he was wearing an ankle tag at the time, with his victim adding:

‘I don’t think he’s the sharpest tool in the box.’

Another of his victims, who had his bike was stolen by Linton in December, told The Sun:

‘He’s definitely not the smartest cookie if he was just targeting all the people on his doorstep. I can see why police managed to catch him. It’s hardly justice though if he’s having fun in prison.’

Indeed. Not only does he get a roof over his head, free meals, free gym, free educational courses and all the rest, he also gets to shag a prison guard while sharing a spliff with his buddy who’s filming the whole thing. No wonder this guy keeps reoffending – it sounds like he’s having a pretty sweet time in there, even if it means his heavily-pregnant girlfriend is left to fend for herself on the outside.


Liton Weirich has since been put in segregation but is unlikely to face further punishment and isn’t being investigated by the police, which has only angered his multiple victims further. Meanwhile, prison guard Linda De Sousa definitely will be punished, and is already in court this week facing charges of professional misconduct. As a prison employee, I guess she’s supposed to be the responsible one, after all.

Weirich began serving a 4-and-a-half year sentence in April for his most recent burglary. Previously, he pleaded guilty to dangerous driving on the M6 at Stafford, and also admitted assaulting a police officer with intent to resist arrest, driving without a licence and driving without insurance. Let’s hope his pregnant girlfriend and incoming child are able to manage without him, eh?

For the female prison guard who cut a hole in her pants to have sex with a prisoner in front of 11 inmates, click HERE. Seems they’re all at it.



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